Siros Vaziri
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Don’t know enough fills or grooves? No motivation to practice?



⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Nate Mueller, USA

"I've had such an amazing experience with these lessons, and i have generated so many great ideas from them. I absolutely love these fills and grooves and I guarantee many others will too. Very talented guy with great musical ideas!!"

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Aaron Spevak, Lithuania

"I consider this one of the top educational tools because every student is asking for 2 things: more grooves, and more fills. We never run out of fills to learn with this simple, organized system (no talk... just play and learn). Thanks Siros Vaziri for your hard work on this!”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Joel Rönn, Finland

"The videos are extremely straight to the point which I love. Not only do you find good fills and licks in these packs, you also get a huge amount of concepts and stickings to play around with."

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jesse Stull, USA

"These videos are broken down and presented in a way that no matter where you're at in your drumming, they will take you to the next level. They are challenging, tasteful, and just generally fun to play fills."

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Julian Donalies, Germany

"The explanation is great, the notation is easy to understand and can also be used to learn notation even if you have never used it before. I recommend the lesson packs to all drummers from beginners to advanced that want to add some vocabulary to their drumming.”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Maise Watson, UK

"I have bought two of Siros' lesson packs and I am beyond glad that I did. I can't stress enough how helpful these lessons have been for me, and how much I recommend them!"



  • Growing your vocabulary of Fills and Grooves is a PROVEN WAY to become a better drummer!

  • Discover how vocabulary is the KEY to being able to play and improvise WITH COMPLETE FREEDOM AND FLOW. 🌊



  • Practicing aimlessly gets boring quick, even if you LOVE playing the drums… And the truth is, IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT!

  • To really make something FUN and MOTIVATING, most people need to be able to see and feel PROGRESSION in real time. And that’s how these lessons work! 🔥

  • Every Fill or Groove Lesson you learn is a new victory you can tick off - and then proceed to the next, and the next, and the next…!

  • You will learn things you never thought you could - While skyrocketing your creativity and motivation at the same time. 💪



This lesson material and this system - Focusing entirely on learning as much vocabulary as possible - I owe EVERYTHING to it.

  • A decade long career.

  • Flow and control on the drums.

  • A million total followers online.

  • Complete freedom over my daily life.

  • No boss breathing down my neck and telling me what to do.

  • Getting to travel and play drums around the world.

  • A home and drum studio of my own.

ALL of it comes from this system of vocabulary-focused practice.

Ever since I realized the power of vocabulary, I’ve been OBSESSED with it.

Learning a new fill, a new groove, taking parts of it and morphing it into something new, adding it to something else I already know, moving things around, and just absorbing new vocabulary left and right like a sponge.

It made me the drummer I am today, in every way.

If someone had told me 10 years ago that I’d get to share stages and sit at signing tables with drum legends like Benny Greb, Chris Coleman, Virgil Donati, Ash Soan and many more, I wouldn’t believe them even for a second.

Or getting to work with companies like Meinl, Tama, Evans etc. - It just seemed completely out of reach for me.

I was an average drummer with no clear direction. Practicing a little of this, a little of that, just trying to get better while enjoying playing the instrument and dabbling in some bands with friends.

Then it just clicked. I found the way.

I started FOCUSING ENTIRELY on learning new vocabulary. I started posting videos and fill & groove lessons on social media. I started seeing progress faster than ever before in my drumming journey.

Then with what felt like just a blink and a breath, here we are. Happier and better at the drums than ever.

And I want you to experience the same thing.





I’m giving these away FOR FREE because I’m CONFIDENT you will learn something from them.

New inspiration, 100% guaranteed. 🥁


How do the lessons work?

✔️ Bite-sized videos. No talking, just straight-to-the-point teaching!
✔️ Multiple tempos, with notation and sticking on the screen.
✔️ Also includes a separate PDF transcription for each lesson.
✔️ You can download every lesson and watch it offline.
✔️ Fully digital lessons you own FOREVER!

Many millions of views online and thousands of orders say it clearly - THESE LESSONS WORK! 💪


“The broader your vocabulary, the closer you are to becoming fluent and free. Use these fill- & groove lessons to introduce new drum ideas into your playing and to fast-forward that process.”

Enjoy the lessons,
/ Siros





👇 EVERYTHING in my online store, all in one bundle at a great discount! 🥁

500 lessons (50 are bundle-exclusive!), 150 big transcriptions, 1 tuning course and YEARS worth of practice material.

Everything Bundle (SAVE 33%)
Sale Price: $227.70 Original Price: $339.86

👇 300 lessons (25 are bundle-exclusive!) in all difficulties and styles.

Fill Bundle (SAVE 20%)
Sale Price: $119.95 Original Price: $149.94

👇 200 (25 are bundle-exclusive!) lessons in all difficulties and styles.

Groove Bundle (SAVE 20%)
Sale Price: $79.97 Original Price: $99.96


👇 Choose the exact type of lesson pack you’re looking for!
🥁 Wide variety of difficulties and styles.

50 Kick, Snare, Hat Fills
50 Double Kick Fills


👇 Note-for-note transcriptions of my social media drumming videos.
🥁 See EVERY note and sticking I play in exact detail!



👇 Learn everything you need to know to make your drums sound INCREDIBLE!
🥁 A complete 70 minute in-depth course about tuning & drum sound.


Guaranteed Growth In 90 Days Or Keep The Lessons For Free

I’m EXTREMELY confident your drumming vocabulary and skill will grow with these lessons.

In fact, I’m SO confident that I’m happy to offer you this 100% money back guarantee, should you not see any growth in your drumming after practicing them.

I’ve helped millions of drummers online over the years, and sold thousands of Lesson Packs here on my website…

Here’s what other drummers think:


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Maise Watson, UK

"I have bought two of Siros' lesson packs and I am beyond glad that I did. He's unlike any other online drummer and I just had to learn from him. Buying these packs has helped to shape me into a better drummer, pushing myself to learn cool things out of my comfort zone, helping me find new things I love, which ultimately flow through into my own writing and drumming process. I can't stress enough how helpful these lessons have been for me, and how much I recommend them!"

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Joel Rönn, Finland

"This is the best money can buy if you're into chops and technique. The videos are extremely straight to the point which I love. Not only do you find good fills and licks in these packs, you also get a huge amount of concepts and stickings to play around with. Whether you want to transcribe the chops as they are or want to let your creativity run free, this is the bundle for any serious drummer who wants to take their chops/licks to the next level."

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Aaron Spevak, Lithuania

"This system will not disappoint you as a player, and as a teacher. As a teacher myself, this (seemingly endless) amount of material from 100 fills series pushes my students and myself. We draw numbers from a hat and we learn that lesson number using the video explanation on the big screen TV, and the sheets which I printed out. 

I consider this one of the top educational tools because every student is asking for 2 things: more grooves, and more fills. We never run out of fills to learn with this simple, organized system (no talk... just play and learn)

Thanks Siros Vaziri for your hard work on this! Greetings from Vilnius, Lithuania."

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jesse Stull, USA

"I've bought both volume 1 and 2 of the fills, licks and chops; and awaiting the volume 3 release. These videos are broken down and presented in a way that no matter where you're at in your drumming, they will take you to the next level. They are challenging, tasteful, and just generally fun to play fills."

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Nate Mueller, USA

"I've had such an amazing experience with these lessons, and i have generated so many great ideas from them. The price is very reasonable and is beyond worth it. I have followed Siros for 2 years and I love to hear his ideas and borrow them. I absolutely love these fills and grooves and I guarantee many others will too. Very talented guy with great musical ideas!!"

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Julian Donalies, Germany

"After seeing a lot of different teasers and free lessons I decided to buy two lesson pack. Not only to support the great work of Siroz but also to improve myself to get more ideas, creativity and explore the wide world of drumming. The explanation is great, the notation is easy to understand and can also be used to learn notation even if you have never used it before. After a while you will see improvement even if you never have thought you would need it. I recommend the lesson packs to all drummers from beginners to advanced that want to add some vocabulary to their drumming. It's really cheap for what you get and what you can make out of it. Great work."